In a rather lucky, painfully and ironic turn of events, the price tags on the items were actually really easy to understand. This was done on purpose, with the intention to let the mainly illiterate adventurer population and mercenaries out there to known the prices in an easy to understand fashion. Ayi quickly grasped this intention and couldn’t help but to feel both grateful for this and rather troubled by her inability to read.
Just by taking a quick glance to some of the potions showcased, she could also now tell that the merchants were trading by using copper, silver and gold coins. An educated guess lead Ayi to believe there would be higher denominations roaming around, being this the case for a plethora of scenarios. Also, it would be outrageous to see some healing potion with a price going beyond the double digits on gold coins. She gave a wry smile, as she couldn’t quite help but to feel a certain sense of dread and familiarity upon noticing the cost of what seemed to be minor healing potions, they were incredibly expensive, the cost of some of the medicines was even higher than their weight in gold. It brought her memories of the cost of medical attention in her former world.
The inside of the shop was actually quite what she expected, more or less. The interior of the shop was furnished mostly on wood, there was what seemed to be crystal showcases, making her wonder how advanced was the technology in such regard, a vague memory seemed to flutter somewhere on her mind. Some youtube video, a documental detailing how making fine glasswork was a quite tasking and resource intense for medieval-like civilizations, “then again, maybe with magic? Most likely, yeah.” She muttered under her breath. It seemed like an acceptable answer. “Ok, a wizard did it”[XS2] she decided then, dropping the subject and letting her thoughts move on.
A quick view on the shelves and showcases told Ayi most of the information she needed to know, medical concoctions were on the expensive side of things, thinking back on their trip through the markets, Zoey had gotten several things, fresh produce, some meat and grain with maybe a few silver coins? She wasn’t really paying much attention to the transactions back then. She then made a mental note to take such matters more seriously from now on. The real problem right now was the local currency, she was not really sure if the manor contained all her previous possessions, and even if it did, she was not sure the coins would be the same at all really. It was actually safer to asume it wasnt the case, but then again where did Zoey get money then? Food and medicaments were an issue that needed a more permanent solution than "We are ok because we have some money for now". She stared at her hand and flexed it slowly, she then moved her shoulders almost expecting pain to suddenly haunt her back. Thankfully nothing of the sort happened, she let a sigh of relief. Still amazed all of this was actually happening… of course it would have to dawn on her when money was involved. That’s how you knew for certain you were alive, money issues would start coming out of the woodwork.
While all those inner ponderings and tribulations were taking place in Ayi’s head, Zoey was already talking with the clerk in the rustical (although rather clean) apothecary, the little wolfkin was already showing the torn note to the clerk that Ayi herself had failed to notice until now.
“Miss, good day to you. A guard sent us here, my mistress was hurt while defending us from some ruffians. Here” She said after a courtsy bow and greet, then she passed the note to the clerk behind the counter.
“I see… so that big oaf still hasn’t found it in himself to do his job properly” The clerk then stood up. With a clear sight of her, Ayi could see she was a young looking tall blonde lady in what seemed to be a lab coat.
“Everyone’s life would be much easier if he wasn’t so incredibly shy. Here sweetie, please hold on to this” Without explaining herself at all, she gave the little wolfkin girl a small bottle just as she moved closer to Ayi. To that uncomfortable closeness that Doctors seem so privy of. With the little wolfkin now holding a small oinment bottle, she put her hands on Ayi’s face touching the afflicted cheek. Thus, breaking the scarce personal space she had left.
With no warnings of any sort she just touched her face all over the aching cheek. Applying some of the ointment she had given Zoey to hold, then she seemed to chant something. The apothecary clerk (quite possibly a cleric of some sort) had a faint and gentle glow around her while just as Ayi could feel a warm sense of relief on her face. And just as quickly as all this went on, the cleric lady gave a satisfied nod, a soft pat on Zoey’s head along with a knowing smile. As if telling the little wolfkin girl that everything was fine, regardless on how the treated affliction wasn’t even on her to begin with.
With a newfound bustling energy, Zoey gave the cleric her brightest 10/10 smile. Sure kill. no prisoners.
“Thank you very much Miss! Now my Misstress won’t have any bruises right?!”
That got Ayi’s attention. Was that Zoey’s main concern? She hadn’t been preoccupied by such a thing, at all, ever. It wasn’t a matter of having a comely face to showcase or not. It had always been more a thing about being surrounded by people she just couldn’t relate to, on so many levels.
Ok. Such a gloomy subject could wait for later. The pretty cleric lady gently rubbing her chin had priority for now.
“O-Ok t-thank you very much Doctor! How much do we owe you?” Said Ayinna, Zoey did her best to not giggle (too much), as she realized her dear mistress would also yelp when startled.
“Umm? ’Doctor’…? My... now that’s a tittle I haven’t been called in some time now. ‘Piedad’ will suffice for you sweeties” With the declaration done, she then showed both parent and daughter, the bright smile of a mature Lady who had battled death itself and found the joy of helping others.
“Miss, good day to you. A guard sent us here, my mistress was hurt while defending us from some ruffians. Here” She said after a courtsy bow and greet, then she passed the note to the clerk behind the counter.
“I see… so that big oaf still hasn’t found it in himself to do his job properly” The clerk then stood up. With a clear sight of her, Ayi could see she was a young looking tall blonde lady in what seemed to be a lab coat.
“Everyone’s life would be much easier if he wasn’t so incredibly shy. Here sweetie, please hold on to this” Without explaining herself at all, she gave the little wolfkin girl a small bottle just as she moved closer to Ayi. To that uncomfortable closeness that Doctors seem so privy of. With the little wolfkin now holding a small oinment bottle, she put her hands on Ayi’s face touching the afflicted cheek. Thus, breaking the scarce personal space she had left.
With no warnings of any sort she just touched her face all over the aching cheek. Applying some of the ointment she had given Zoey to hold, then she seemed to chant something. The apothecary clerk (quite possibly a cleric of some sort) had a faint and gentle glow around her while just as Ayi could feel a warm sense of relief on her face. And just as quickly as all this went on, the cleric lady gave a satisfied nod, a soft pat on Zoey’s head along with a knowing smile. As if telling the little wolfkin girl that everything was fine, regardless on how the treated affliction wasn’t even on her to begin with.
With a newfound bustling energy, Zoey gave the cleric her brightest 10/10 smile. Sure kill. no prisoners.
“Thank you very much Miss! Now my Misstress won’t have any bruises right?!”
That got Ayi’s attention. Was that Zoey’s main concern? She hadn’t been preoccupied by such a thing, at all, ever. It wasn’t a matter of having a comely face to showcase or not. It had always been more a thing about being surrounded by people she just couldn’t relate to, on so many levels.
Ok. Such a gloomy subject could wait for later. The pretty cleric lady gently rubbing her chin had priority for now.
“O-Ok t-thank you very much Doctor! How much do we owe you?” Said Ayinna, Zoey did her best to not giggle (too much), as she realized her dear mistress would also yelp when startled.
“Umm? ’Doctor’…? My... now that’s a tittle I haven’t been called in some time now. ‘Piedad’ will suffice for you sweeties” With the declaration done, she then showed both parent and daughter, the bright smile of a mature Lady who had battled death itself and found the joy of helping others.
The apothecary Piedad seemed to glow again at that moment. Zoey felt like she had found another good role model in her life. Ayi felt like she had seen a glimpse of how angels should look like. Feugan scoffed, feeling left out of this scene as he wouldn’t be able to pass through the small doorway. Humanoid lairs have the darnest small entrances sometimes.
[XS1]It was actually quite simple, based on multicultural interactions and grabbing the simplest rules, but Alas, Ayi never had the aptitude for languages
[XS2]While Technically true, the glass was done by a glass-smith who happens to be a retired wizard. While it’s often discussed if he uses magic to make the glass, he limits the usage of magic to just fire up his shop’s giant glass oven, and sometimes to start the fire for his kettle. “I feel more accomplished this way” he often comments.
[XS1]It was actually quite simple, based on multicultural interactions and grabbing the simplest rules, but Alas, Ayi never had the aptitude for languages
[XS2]While Technically true, the glass was done by a glass-smith who happens to be a retired wizard. While it’s often discussed if he uses magic to make the glass, he limits the usage of magic to just fire up his shop’s giant glass oven, and sometimes to start the fire for his kettle. “I feel more accomplished this way” he often comments.