martes, 21 de noviembre de 2017

5- Tipping the scales

There, within the stable behind the manor, a stable that seemed more makeshift than possible, surely not one to be found in a proper manor or a farm, but almost as if one was to ask a lazy contractor “and something like a stable there”.
There it was, sitting within the stable it called home, more comfortable than anyone should rightfully be about the accommodations or the place.

As things concerned the inhabitant of the little stable, it was almost like any other morning, wake up, stretch, food, grooming, hugs and maybe a nap or two. BUT!!.
A few things made it quite different now!, which in turn made this morning into a special one, and already bustling with excitement.
Sitting on its hind legs, a small red dragon had been gathering its thoughts about the events that had taken place during his brief morning routine.

For starters, Master’s little pup came more excited than usual when bringing the food, which in turn lead to more hugs than normal, this was good. Hugs were nice and the little pup was always really soft.
Even better yet!, the extra hugs brought Skillups, this was good. Skillups were a result of honing your skills which in turn meant better effects when using them, and there is nothing more important for a warrior than constantly improving his own skills.

Lifting its right foreleg, at its own chest height, it made a sound that could pass for a person trying to talk by using only growls and with rocks in his mouth.
Following suit in front of the dragon, a videogame-like light blue semi translucent window appeared.
The dragon was not even interested in the reasons on why such an out of place window would appear, if it was something natural or not, or why would it appear under such a pretense of a voice command. Instead it focussed on the information within the aforementioned window.

[ Feugan ] [ Soulbound Dragon Ward ]
[ Skills: ]


Admiring his own skills, Feugan huffed full of pride after checking the improvement in his hugging skill.
Feugan had seen how happy Master’s little pup was when he first allowed her to hug him (and on each subsequent morning thereafter), he then realized Master could enjoy hugging him too, so it was definitely a good skill to hone. He was sure he was so good at hugging now.
Fortunately the little pup could always cooperate with this part of his morning routine, sometimes she would even join for one or two naps too.
The rest of the skills were sure to please Master too. Even Overeating! a skillup message would appear whenever the little pup brought more food with her to spend an afternoon sitting along him while feeding him. This seemed to made her happy, so he guessed it could make Master happy too.

He then stood up, moved towards a spot where a ray of morning sunlight had already warmed the floor. He sat down with just his hindlegs, puffed his chest again now feeling prepared and excited. This morning was special after all.
He could feel his Master’s presence within her house.

This was most likely the cause for Master’s little pup to be so excited, then again, she always seemed full of pep, so he was not totally sure about that. Decided look as impressive as possible to greet Master after she came out of her abode, so he looked around for the treasures he had already prepared before hand.
He took with his mouth some strips of ragged leather laying around on a corner of the stable, tossing em deftly he got them on top of his back and head.
His trophies of defeating goblins that had been lurking nearby Master’s home, surely he was now the most threatening visage any goblin would see for the last time.

While looking for more rags he had hidden in the stable, he felt his Master already coming out of the house, fortunately he was ready.
A few weird half broken primitive bone necklaces, some cloth rags and leather straps hung from him now.
"I am a warrior. I am Death". He thought, while standing ready at the stable. The little pup came along in a rush, she panicked when she saw him. It was only natural, he must be such a fiery visage wearing all his trophies. She immediately started taking them off much to his complains.

“WhyWhyWHY?!! Feugan you are supposed to look your best today!!! where did you even get those rags?! Mistress Ayi is really coming! and you should be spotless!!”
After taking the trophies of a dozen (or so rounded up) fights off him, the little pup then took his bristle brush, one of the good leather reins and a saddle, now starting to prepare him.

Why would she say that? he was sure that was his best. Then again maybe she had a point, Master would be sad if she knew he had gone on his own adventures without her. Pondering on that idea, he lowered himself down allowing her to saddle him, he was looking forward to ride with master on an adventure, maybe some food, and a nap.

He was still making a list of things they would do, while the little pup broomed him again, she finally took the reins and guided him to finally meet Master.

This was definitely an exciting morning.

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