martes, 19 de diciembre de 2017

6- Of trips and tribulations.

The ride to the kingdom was a smooth and fast one... Too fast actually! I am not one to start complaining about quick and uneventful trips, really! I certainly prefer those the majority of the time. But having the opportunity to travel on top of a Dragon!? My Dragon!! A quiet and super short trip while riding a dragon was just my kind of “good” luck. Tsk!

After a short-lived trip through the simple cobble roads, surrounded by the scenery of a lush forest, leading from my manor towards the southern entrance to the Kingdom. We now stood in front of one of the big, freakishly big portcullis. This is the sort of thing I always felt like I gave for granted within the game, but now within my dream it was as if maybe some part of my mind over exaggerated the proportions. The entrance was so wide it could most likely let pass through heavy siege weaponry… Heh. I suppose that is something I would focus on within my dreams.

Just as the entrance was wider than I could remember, the moat showing to be quite wide, the passage was longer as well. It was almost like a cave. The kingdom’s outer wall proved itself to be quite thick, the walk through the gate felt like taking a stroll inside of a cave. All this brought me plenty of ideas for scenarios defending and attacking such position, with possible positions to place heavy units with long ranged attacks, assessing the benefits of the moat itself as well…

Not long after passing the gate, with me distracted looking at the paved stone paths and medieval masonry all around, which I was rather familiar with. A soldier came running towards us. He stopped in front of us, hand held high, surely as the attitude that would most likely come for sure…

“H-Halt there!! No m-mounts can e-enter past this point without merchant permits or special concessions!”

Heh. The poor guard seemed to have been frozen in place as Feugan did not bother to stop after hearing the guard’s command, getting close to him he started sniffing him. Personally, I was not keen on this idea of leaving Feugan behind so soon and I was sure we could just run past through without any guard being able to catch on us… But what the guard said made sense and I was not too inclined on souring my mood trying to explain a gate guard how I should be able to do what I wanted within MY dreams.


Master decided to listen to the puny guard… Claims to be a guard, yet trembles in front of me! Well, that much is to be expected truthfully.

He remained back with the guard waiting to be lead to the stables, while Master and the little pup went ahead to acquire food.

Having decided it was quite an obvious result to have such an unimpressive guard in full distress upon him, Feugan snorted with a mixture of disappointment and resignation over his current situation, contemplating on the best course of actions to take now. Appreciating the stables and making notes on how to properly defend them from intruders, taking a good look at the faltering fence, unreliable wooden walls, it was a precariously kept stable.

While Feugan was making mental notes about entrusted abode in front of him, the poor guard could feel the overwhelming pressure just as he took in his hand the dragon’s Rein, the pressure of its presence and regality as the dragon stood behind him majestically! The responsibility of leading a dragon mount to the stables!! The humble stables that held mainly traveler mounts, mostly carry birds that couldn’t hold a candle to such an epic mount!!! In reality calling them stables was an overstatement, it was something more akin to an oversized bird’s pen.

Just as the poor guard was suffering of a serious case of weak knees, trembling in front of the small stables, Feugan decided he didn’t care to wait for his one-person-entourage to lead him to the pen. Thus, he just went ahead and with all the magnanimous dignity needed for a king to enter a foreign castle, he entered the oversized carry bird pen.

Feugan gazed upon the humble kingdom he was entrusted with. Deciding to guard it properly, regardless of its wanting size. Taking then place next to the entrance, determining he had to greet any newcomer in adequate manner and make certain they knew themselves safe once they see him. At his side, the trembling guard, small by comparison, perhaps even unfit to be called a guard by comparison as well...

One of the carry birds stepped forth, with its feathers holding a rather golden luster, fierce determined eyes showing that it was no pushover, it offered itself as a retainer for the time being. While the rest of his new retainer’s flock remained safe and well fed, Feugan sat on his hinder legs, the golden-feathered retainer now under his chin providing him with a much necessary fluff to rest and be ready for anything. He stood there, valiantly guarding this foreign kingdom. With the flock of subjects brandishing their pale-gold yellow feathers, Feugan knew then that protecting this new hoard of subjects would come in all too easy and natural. They were now safe, for thieves and thugs would never take nothing from him, he was the King (temporary) in the pen.

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